Wednesday, March 11, 2009

rainy day insights 1

My day began with the doorman telling me it is raining. Yes, check. You should be using an umbrella. Yes, check. No es importante, check. He kissed me on the cheek out of nowhere. Not at a logical starting point, say, as a greeting. Sporadically when I was saying I don't own a paragua. I return to find him once again trying to get me to use the elevator which is wildly unnecessary. I am on my floor, and I find him tucking a paper under someone's door and then following me to my own. He asks me what I'm studying, and he doesn't understand the answer until I explain it very awkwardly, making it sound much more complicated than necessary. I say chau, and then he jolts and boldy whispers "I like you." It might sound cute or sweet, but I disagree. It is unsettling to be told that someone you don't know at all, that works in your building constantly and seems unstable, suddenly expresses affection. I especially don't like how he knows when I am home alone. It will be nice not to come home due to sleepiness next week. As soon as my obligations with the program are over for the day, I need to return home and retire swiftly. I don't want to be nap-girl.
An aside: My landlord is a maneater in a green dress. The woman has so much spunk she can fill a flat tire with it.
Kitty sitting and finding a home for kitty begins this weekend. It will be nice to have a little creature to care for for a short period of time. I will probably be humming "Pocho" all over the city frolicking to and fro. I can hear it now.
I saw the most wonderful show today with (shoutouts to:) Carina and Rose in the most wonderful venue/bar/shop/playground. Afterward we swung on the swings made of cajas (birdcages), and I took my shoes off and dipped my feet in the massive puddle that accumulated in this under the staircase quadrant creation. I kept spinning in the swing and knocking the man talking to Rose, and it was a little awkward.
I'm going horseback riding tomorrow and trying to finalize the logistics of trip number 1: Bolivia. Samantha is going to show me her handstand tricks, and hopefully I won't end the day in Michelle Tanner of Full House fashion. For those of you that reference is lost on, I don't want to fall off the horse after a jump and get an almost fatal concussion.
I made a desperate move today as I really hope I don't get placed into a terrible Spanish class full of fools. I was so sleepy taking the test, and many of the words they used are not in my Spanish vocabulary. Didactum? Hmm. Anyways, I am quite good at learning and very interested in it. I can write Spanish quite well and understand lots of things when I know the words, but when you are taking a multiple choice test and answering some questions with words you don't understand, how is one meant to fashion an adequate reply?
I hope I dream of lunar dust turning into quick sand and emerging in a puddle tonight rather than my strange nap dream of a shared arranged marriage to the door man. I didn't know if I was married and had to take care of this child that wasn't mine in a cute little pleated dress also mothered by someone who seemed to be a co-wife while the man was away. It was awkward and I kept trying to decide whether I should take the child or the empanadas or get a divorce.
If the rain absorbs enough acid, will my feet eventually decay?
I really like the living room because there is so much yellow, and I wish my bedroom had just as much yellow too.

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