Sunday, March 29, 2009

got the tum tum blues

I have a million vegetables to do justice with soon. I hope I can live up to the challenge.
I have lost a lot of Spanish this weekend somehow. I really despise that. I am turning into an insomniac. When I don't get home til late and should be tired, I can't sleep. It is a real pain. I am beginning to think of my digestive track as an active volcano.
Yesterday I did the unthinkable and touched some filmy water. It was very pretty, and I disinfected afterward. We went to a silly party and danced, and despite the lack of extremely warm people it reminded me a lot of home. The joking isn't quite as sweet, though. I find myself more standoffish as time goes on to certain people in party situations. That behavior is very much not me, and I wish it wouldn't happen. I just don't trust a lot of strangers here. The abrasive or skeezy factor is tough to judge given the existence of benefit of the doubt. I have not been giving the benefit of the doubt unless I see someone truly deserves it. I'm not sure if it's a lack of filter or rudeness in many situations, but it is rather peculiar not knowing. I value some filters because it removes awkward misunderstandings, but I am trying to develop a more readily available lack of filter to at least test all the same. Someone last night was wearing their shirt around their shoulders, and he said that it fell off because of me. And then I said, what do I have to do with it? And he said, it came off because of you. It's like an earthquake that it came off just like this. I didn't really get it, and I said that he was the one that took it off. It is bizarre situations like these that make me feel closer to those likeminds from my culture. I really don't hate to say that and do hate to say that all at once. Mercury must not be in my sign right now, and I am looking forward to it returning. I also thought that someone was trying to clink glasses with me out of the blue so I went to cheers, and she was trying to hand a bottle to her friend. She continued to do so, and it was really funny despite being weird. They kept playing LCD sound system, and we left around the time this strange song about "where is my soul?" came on.
I am really appalled by the behavior of men here, not just Argentinians, and also by a lot of the women. I feel much more balanced than many people I have met, and that is a peculiar feeling for me. What is this supposed to mean anyway= $:)
It is something that is meant to be left at the keyboard, I strongly believe.
Everything is extremely unusual, and I have been thinking a lot about home this week. Anyways, I'm glad that Alex is coming soon because it will feel a little less surreal constantly.
Yesterday I went to Chinatown and wandered around aimlessly for the first hour. I need to return if only to find bubble tea a handfan. We went to a polo game and ended up in the wrong place a couple of times. There was a magnificent park we got lost in that you can rent boats along the river and a race track across the way from the polo field. Polo is bizarre, and some friends talked to this French tv producer friends with the best polo player in Argentina. Also we stayed and found free champagne and appetizers and mingled with some creepy men that turned out to be polo players. They were nicer than expected, and if nothing else I really do love the cheek greeting by creepy men. One invited us to his final today in a really nice suburb of BsAs and the after party. I didn't go since I couldn't sleep and not stop running to the restroom, but Sam and Sabrina did. Tavi said he would drive us back. I don't like relying on those situations.
We spotted a lovely Brazilian restaurant for future dinners, Mexican restaurant we ate at- which was phenomenal. Jesus, Sabrina, and I went to Plaza Armenia for some drinks. There were little boys holding hands and playing in the grass together. It was quite pretty and exciting to find some part of the sky with stars. Also there is the most magnificent book store ever in the area I will be frequenting with bookshelves worthy of Beauty and the Beast, and a little cafe that screeeams Be Our Guest!
Mercury, come back to me!

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