Tuesday, March 10, 2009

if buenos aires were a cookie

my sore feet say hello. today i realized if my stomach spoke a language it would be german. i am not so tired, but i am so sore and will retire earlier this evening than i have since i got here a month ago. i need to figure out a good back pain alleviating method, but i honestly just need better shoes. chocolate chip cookies skipped to their loo down the hatch this morning, and there was anything they could do they should relieve back pain.
i really like all of the people i know now. i am seeing more people i want to befriend, and everyone has been very friendly today which is refreshing after yesterday. my professor got sick of the idiocy infiltrating the classroom earlier today, and said they can leave since there was no real reason for them to be there. all of the cool kids remained.
if you ever call a taxi in buenos aires, call radio taxi premium. the other departments within that company are mean and stupid and less trustworthy as i learned yesterday. at least i wasn't robbed like another girl by her driver.
i found goosebumps folders for my papers. i found the tortoise and the hair and likeminded tales in spanish. i found the spanish version of charlie and lola, aka me llamo ana tarambonina (or something of that nature). lauren child is a visionary genuis, and there should be more of her in the world. other things there should be more of: flowergiving to strangers, women's liberation stencils, and benches. things there should be less of: leerers, trash, and privatized dental care. so many people have very terrible teeth which is strange coming from a nation full of braces happy faces.
do i take yoga with the dancers? do i mime with the mimes? do i horseback ride with world class polo players and guachos? do i play futbol? do i cook with the chefs? how can i say no to any one of those mind busying things? i will just have to eat superfruits and supervegetables and be as super as i can be. i need to do more research on the jungle and make more trip decisions. everything is happening all at once, and it is making me visualize millions of impressions in the atmosphere that we don't even know about yet.
must get shoes shined.

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