Tuesday, February 24, 2009

sunny days, off to play

There are nice friendly dogs in the plaza and also tables where the servers don't stop people from trying to sell things from you. I need to buy some earrings from one of the men there last night. They were exquisite and hand crafted, and he must be working very hard doing them. There are also a lot of children asking for money, and my district does have lots of cartoneros. I just want to help them. I wonder where the children doing this go at night. A drunk man stopped at our table asking for more to drink. He was quite boozy and thought Emily and I were dating. He wanted to be in on a little secret that didn't exist! Another man came over to talk to me while Emily was in the bathroom, and he thought that I was French. I tried to play along with it and act like I didn't know what he was saying, but he was funny so I told him the truth. He said I was like the sky, and it was wonderful because I could converse with him fluidly and laugh about everything that was being said.
I made friends with lots of pups too. They have the loveliest eyes and are so spontaneous. One kept giving us his paws and laid down next to me until he decided he wanted to go for a stroll. Mi perrrro, quiero mi perro, I sang, but he was over it. Quite a laaarge mob was celebrating something by the Obelisk last night as well. From a significant distance I heard loud-loud drums and marching and saw flags. Everyone was dancing, and holding up traffic for at leeeast 15 minutes. There must have been somewhere upwards 2000 to hold down a 16 lane thoroughway.
The people in the hostel are quite nice and share their Quilmes and stories about innards with me and run over to say hello when we are sighted on the streets! Everything is illuminated. I do hope the water is working today for this girl needs a shower.

1 comment:

  1. i think it is legit to say that if i could adopt all of the homeless puppies/children of the world... i would. glad you got some friendage in your life and now don't have to wander alone. It is 26 degrees this morning in good ol IC and I thought that I should also mention that I purchased that Andy Warhol poster that you had in our room all those years, 2 years in fact, with the empty glasses and plates. Wonderful. I missed it in my presence. Con cariño y amor, tu amiga de muchos años, Alana Maria
