Sunday, April 12, 2009

hola chicos!

a stream of thoughts on this pascua from me to you!
dessert each day, which means good surprise desserts and not boring old ones. dessert 1: helado de cereza blahblah it was a creamy ice cream full of candy cherries piled on top of a creamy cone on a hot, hot day. dessert 2: peaches with ice cream and whiskey on the rocks to the backdrop of freaky 90s dance new age jams. my favorite was a freaky ballad that kept repeating: so you're in the army now. though when i was trying to recall the beat later it kept being replayed to the horrible tunes of: now you're in the army ooooh a la backstreet boys. dessert 3: black jungle cake full of cherries and a caphariana full of the freshest limes and raw raw sugar.
the dessert is necessary when facing meat land extraordinare which makes me want to mad hurl. i had a second run in with vacio, though alex says i'm a baby now that he knows what it is. at that dinner i made a great friend with a feral cat who needed love and then dropped me after i left him idle for more than 30 seconds. he was regal and the victim of erratic behavior of this really desperate dog trying to start terf wars with him. then i felt really bad for the crazed pup and gave him some grub too. in the end, all of the fatty strips i rolled into a napkin and dropped at the entry way to the patio for the smartest or luckiest animal to enjoy or hoover.
the trip to iguazu was lovely and bizarre. our bus line promises movies, but they are all crappy american movies with subtitles. the first bus played some odd romantic comedy with country songs about finding love and jesus. then they played miss congeniality 2. they had surprise courses of meals and medialunas in the morning. the other bus suddenly had this bizarre ad rapping about pussy in english advertising an energy bar. the lights were off for quite some time at the beginning of the bus ride which made a girl sleepy and then turned on and stayed on abruptly for some time until everyone got off the bus for an impromptu sit down dinner.
the falls were overwhelming, and i'm still thinking about them. tourism is a shame to an extent. it takes so much away from the falls and the area itself for me to even be thinking about the tourism aspect over the falls. we climbed and dodged and stopped and saw and got sprayed by mists of the falls. how can so many falls be in one spot, riddle me that.
my most favorite part of the trip was wandering off the beaten bath after seeing a sign alluding to sculptures. it was downhill in this foresty spot, and all of a sudden a little boy with a pale said "hola! un momento!" and ran to get his keys. he brought his smiley little sister to show us the wood carvings that were made by his brother, and i couldn't have been more enamored with them.
cheese hunting, bye!

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